One Dozen Red Roses Vase Arangement in Lexington, SC | LEXINGTON FLORIST
One Dozen Red Roses
Vase Arangement
Set their heart ablaze with Red Roses! This classically romantic arrangement serves as a passionate reminder of love. With 12 stems of red roses and complimentary foliage, they’ll remember these roses all too well for years to come.
Vibrant Fuchsia Roses Rose Arrangement in Lexington, SC | LEXINGTON FLORIST
Vibrant Fuchsia Roses
Rose Arrangement
Add a bright pop of color to any occasion with this stunning bouquet! Full of vibrancy and fun, the hot pink roses and lively greenery make for a stunning arrangement. Vibrant Fuchsia Roses is sure to stand out in any room or occasion. Send this striking bouquet today!
Shown at $45.00
Shown at $45.00
Two Dozen Yellow Roses Vase Arrangement  in Lexington, SC | LEXINGTON FLORIST
Two Dozen Yellow Roses
Vase Arrangement
Roses are a gift that never goes out of style! Grand and gorgeous, these sunny yellow roses are full of light and happiness and will brighten up their day. They'll smile and think of you every time they see them! It's a gesture they'll never forget. Remember, some flowers or containers may be substituted depending on current availability.
Shown at $130.00
Shown at $130.00
Two dozen Freedom Red  Vase Arangement in Lexington, SC | LEXINGTON FLORIST
Two dozen Freedom Red
Vase Arangement
If it's for an Anniversary, birthday, Valentine's or Just Because. Make your Someone's day truly special with these 24 long stem red rose. Complement with flowing greens from Cocculus to Italian Ruscus.
Shown at $130.00
Shown at $130.00
Three Dozen Red Roses Vase Arrangement  in Lexington, SC | LEXINGTON FLORIST
Three Dozen Red Roses
Vase Arrangement
For the most marvelous and exquisite arrangement, send our three dozen red roses. The epitome of love and romance, they will be in awe when they receive this bouquet!
Shown at $185.00
Shown at $185.00

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
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What’s more classic than a rose bouquet? With their luscious petals, wide variety of colors, and sweet scent, roses are perfect for any occasion. If you’re looking for a birthday gift, send them a dozen of their favorite color. Brighten anyone’s day with a cheerful bouquet of yellow roses. Wanting to do a large romantic gesture? Red roses are your go-to. Call or order online today and we can handle all of your rose bouquet desires.